Digital marketing has become one of the main ways that businesses communicate with their target audiences. While there are still plenty of opportunities for traditional marketing, we should also be focusing a lot of our efforts online. About half of the world’s...
With some people, sales professionals have pretty bad reputations. Working in sales has gotten such a toxic reputation that most people don’t want to deal with salespeople at all and certainly don’t want to become one. It’s important to know,...
Starting an e-commerce business can be rewarding, but just like another business, there is a tremendous amount of responsibility that is required to make it successful. You’ll need an understanding of how to set up and effectively run the site, but it’s absolutely...
While sometimes overlooked for other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, creatives know that Pinterest can be a powerful medium for spreading brand consciousness about everything from clothes to photographers to recipe blogs. With so much content,...
Apple is one of the most successful brands in the world. Almost all of their products succeed in the market and create immediate buzz once they’re announced. It has revealed an almost exceptional revenue growth from 2004 to 2014 and continues to do exceedingly well. A...