Digital marketing has become one of the main ways that businesses communicate with their target audiences. While there are still plenty of opportunities for traditional marketing, we should also be focusing a lot of our efforts online. About half of the world’s...
With some people, sales professionals have pretty bad reputations. Working in sales has gotten such a toxic reputation that most people don’t want to deal with salespeople at all and certainly don’t want to become one. It’s important to know,...
For many years, men and women working in sales have debated back and forth about the proper method for reaching out to potential prospects for their companies. When reaching out to a new customer for the first time, is it better to send an email first or pick up the...
The average person is exposed to thousands of media messages per day. Some companies may feel that the only way to cut through the clutter is to spend more money. However, savvy marketers know that they can get more exposure, with less ad spending, through creativity....
Despite the proliferation of rapid developments in technology and the emergence of artificial intelligence, an effective sales staff is still a vital part of any successful business. The most effective salespeople understand that the keys to success lie in how they...