How to Market Your Company on LinkedIn

How to Market Your Company on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the great professional social media platforms that can be utilized for corporate and individual branding and marketing. When correctly utilized, LinkedIn can help a business to create the right networks with potential clients, other businesses, and...
3 Benefits of Taking Online Classes in Marketing

3 Benefits of Taking Online Classes in Marketing

There’s plenty of reasons to believe that digital marketing is going to be far and away the dominant strategy for marketing in the future. As the internet becomes an increasingly synthesized aspect of everyday life, digital platforms have become the primary...
How to Utilize Pinterest for Your Business

How to Utilize Pinterest for Your Business

Most modern businesses recognize that maintaining a strong social media presence is critical for ongoing success. But while Twitter and Facebook are standards for most companies, other incredibly useful social media platforms can often get overlooked....
Why You Need to Prioritize Influencer Marketing

Why You Need to Prioritize Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has exploded in recent years and it’s not fading away any time soon. Marketing trends come and go, but recent consumer preferences related to advertising all point to the fact that people don’t like being advertised to. Instead,...
How to Create the Best Mobile Ads

How to Create the Best Mobile Ads

Launching a successful marketing campaign is no longer limited to print mail and third-party web advertising campaigns. With the advent of social media and smartphones, mobile marketing has become more popular and effective than ever before. Knowing how to get started...