For any company, especially if it’s just starting out, increasing sales is a main goal. Thanks to the age of digital technology, most businesses now make sales online. More and more consumers are shopping online, thanks to the prices and convenience. Any company would...
A rapidly rising trend in marketing is the importance of video marketing. Digital marketing has featured prominently in advertising for a while, but now video marketing is one of the latest trends when it comes to digital media. Content marketing and graphics are...
If you want to help new hires reach their sales goals, it starts with smart, proper training. However, creating a training strategy isn’t an easy process. There are lots of steps and careful thought that must go into creating a training program. Sometimes in an effort...
Sales is where the money is at in online marketing. If your marketing strategy is not generating impressive sales volume, then your business is simply going to lack in the profits department. This is never a good sign. For this reason, you must always be on the...
Last month, I attended Podcast Movement in Anaheim, CA, joined by founder Leo Laporte and Jerry Wagley, Creative Director at Podcasting conferences are a wonderful opportunity to meet with fellow podcasters and agencies we work with – in many...