Product photography uses various techniques to create images of products in such a way as to entice consumers. The method is used whether advertising products online or for the different traditional types of advertising. Photographic images play an important role in successfully marketing a product or service, as they not only showcase the product, they also reflect a company’s brand. Here are a few key factors to remember when creating product images.
Products are photographed against a white background that features the product in one or more images and the in-context or lifestyle image that demonstrates how the product is to be used. Product-only images make it much easier for the photographer to edit or retouch images. The background is simply made by draping white craft paper over a chair for smaller items or down a wall and onto the floor for larger items.
Natural light is preferred when you create a chair sweep background, as you can easily set up close to a window. Bright light can also be diffused by placing a white sheet over the window. If shadows are too intense, simply position white cardboard on either side of the item. Studio lighting is created by crafting your own lightbox or if you have the money for the set-up. A lightbox simply needs to entail a white sheet draped over a frame. Position desk lamps to the left, top, and right side of the frame.
A commercially bought or handmade tripod adds stability to the camera in order to prevent image blurring. If you cannot afford a traditional tripod, use books on a stool or chair set to the needed height. You’ll definitely notice a difference in the quality of your pictures once you start using a tripod.
Point and shoot or DSLR cameras are relatively inexpensive and come equipped with the settings needed. Set the aperture to low or high f/stop and slow the shutter speed. Resist the urge to use a wide-angle lens, as they can cause distortion. Set the aperture to f2.8 or f4.5, which narrows the field depth. Check the white balance, which should be set to the same temperature as the lights. If you aren’t very experienced in using a more professional camera, do some research online and watch tutorial videos, or take a class at a local college or online that helps you with the basics of photography.