If you want to help new hires reach their sales goals, it starts with smart, proper training. However, creating a training strategy isn’t an easy process. There are lots of steps and careful thought that must go into creating a training program. Sometimes in an effort to meet training objectives, companies can forget how important it is to make sure employees are well taken care of. Follow these tips for successful training to set your sales team on the right path.
Start on the right foot
Instead of hiring the person you think is right for the job and assuming everything will work out from there, you have to engage your employees from the very beginning. Every employee, no matter how well-suited they are for the job, should go through an extensive training process. However, depending on their background and experience, they may be able to move through it at a different pace than the other new hires.
Choosing how involved training is
The type of industry you’re in or your specific company determines the type of training that’s best for your employees. Some training programs ask employees to go right into the field and start participating in the sales process. Other companies, though, feel it’s best to start training in a classroom setting or through e-learning. You may also want to combine the two approaches: start with a classroom setting and then send new hires into the field when you feel they’re ready.
Best training in reality
One of the best ways to ensure success once the new hire is finished with training is to put them in as many real world scenarios as possible. Even if you’re not going to send them into the field, you can have them role play in order to prepare them for the job. For example, you may want your new employees to deliver sales pitches to management so they get used to doing it and can receive feedback at the same time
Let new hires accelerate
It’s important to have a comprehensive training program, but management should also be able to recognize when a new hire can move more swiftly through the process. Acceleration or the option to test out of certain training aspects should be offered to employees who already have experience in the industry or in sales. Moving these employees through training more quickly can actually improve their learning experience, not detract from it.
Well-planned, properly-executed training sessions are one of the best ways to ensure sales success for new hires.